Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Not all stories have happy endings

But this one does...

I needed a story to illustrate journalling for Saturday's class what better topic!!! It's a 2 pager, 1st page is a photo of a miscarriage book with a reminder letter for my first scan, journalling behind tag and the 2nd is the first scan photos and journalling behind the owl


  1. That is so beautiful. I am here crying after seeing the second page! Can't wait for Saturday's class. I still have to come up with something! You know how disorganised I am for your classes!!

  2. oh the title of this post gave me a fright............phew :)

  3. gorgeous layouts btw, should have said :)

  4. Wonderful LO's and a happy ending indeed. Hope you are keeping well Lou. Have been thinking of you a lot this week with all the stories of misdiagnosies that have been on the tv & news.
    Take care of yourselves :-)
